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About Us

A team dedicated to create better companies, entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders in Ecuador.

Do it right, do the right thing

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Make it right and
make the right thing.

The Corporation for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation-CODEIS is a non-profit corporation that works to promote and develop a ecosystem of entrepreneurship and social innovation in Ecuador and Latin America; through private and public trainings, incubation programs, research, and innovation challenges at various scales.

Codeis began in 2016, when it brought to Ecuador the world largest university competition for social entrepreneurship “Hult Prize". This year the first national competition was held, in order to select which teams would compete in the regionals. In 2017, Codeis got its legal status and continued its work on university campuses throughout the country, thus by 2018 it had reach 24 cities and 47 university campuses.

In 2018, Codeis decided to adapt its World Change Makers methodology and expand the opportunity to strengthen capacities in entrepreneurship and social innovation among groups in vulnerable conditions. Being young people, with leadership potential, from all over the country, the first Codeis target group. For the year 2019, Codeis began its work with groups of people in human mobility and the host population in six cities of Ecuador. The projects implemented by Codeis during these years gave way to international recognition by the “Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Youth” by being chosen as one of the 50 most innovative youth projects in the world that contribute to the SDGs. This project was published in 2019 United Nations Annual Report. Likewise, the work carried out allowed Codeis to receive the "Responsible and Sustainable Quito Recognition 2019" obtaining first place in the fair trade category.

With the arrival of the pandemic in 2020, Codeis quickly adapted its operations to the new reality and expanded its work to Andean indigenous communities and women entrepreneurs. Thanks to the new digital normality, Codeis was able to reach Latin American countries with one of its scholarship programs: Social Innovation Bootcamp, for young people from all over the region and by 2021 it is expected to implement an open innovation challenge in Mexico, in a presence modality.




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