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A new productive generation for a better future for their families and communities.


Cangahua is a rural parish located in the Cayambe canton. It has a population of 20,000 inhabitants, of which 84% identify themselves as indigenous. Its main economic activity is the production of milk without added value. There are currently 350 milk producers, who depend on this activity for the sustenance of their families.

The Project was inspired by the initiative of César Aules, a young man from the Cuarto Lote community in Cangahua, who gained seed capital at the World Change Makers Academy held in 2019-2020 in alliance with Compassion International Ecuador, to start his cheese production business kneaded, fresh and table "DELI CAMPO."

Cangahua has 48 communities with 16,231 inhabitants. The basis of its economy is in dairy production, as a raw material without added value. In 2010, Cangahua's multidimensional poverty index was 95%, reaching extreme poverty of 64% of its population. The rural index is 72%, 8 points more than the urban area within the same canton.

The inequity between the rural and urban population is accentuated by the pandemic caused by COVID-19, suffering losses in milk production of more than 50% in sales and large waste due to a drop in the demand for milk.


The project "A New Productive Generation In Cangahua" (Cangahua: A New Productive Generation) managed by Codeis and financed by Mitsubishi Corporation will empower 100 milk producers in soft skills, technification in dairy production, sanitary registration and certifications, and skills negotiation and leadership.

It is an empowerment initiative
rural-community and local economic development powered by Codeis Labs, funded through donation from Mitsubishi Corporation.

However, it seeks to increase the impact of the initiative through parallel and subsequent efforts to this project.

This intervention seeks to empower the beneficiaries in soft skills, technification in dairy production, sanitary registration and certifications, and negotiation and leadership skills.

The Project aims to benefit 100 milk producers out of the 350 existing in Cangahua. This will impact more than 300 family members.

The main objective of the initiative is to promote economic growth and technical knowledge of the interconnected communities of Cangahua, through the development of the dairy industry, promoting endogenous-inclusive local development, and self-management, prioritizing a vulnerable segment of the population by maximizing their capabilities, skills and human talent.

Impact forecast
and measurable benefits.

The vision for the future after this intervention is to manage more resources to develop an associative social enterprise that scales its production at the national level, and can export and commercialize internationally, including more milk producing communities in the country and Latin America.

Stakeholders interested in increasing the impact are sought with parallel efforts and subsequent to the execution of the project.

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